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Contenido de Skylander

There have been 6 items by Skylander (Search limited from 03-June 23)

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#264898 Recherche de compte shield

Escrito por Skylander en 06 October 2016 - 01:54 PM en Recherche de comptes

Hi, no problem to give my account
I'm waiting for news

#264887 DON de compte top 8 MGM

Escrito por Skylander en 25 September 2016 - 02:30 PM en Univers Shield

Thanks MGM

see you soon

#264885 DON de compte top 8 MGM

Escrito por Skylander en 23 September 2016 - 11:50 AM en Univers Shield

bonjour je suis prêt à échanger
si  va bien pour vous

#264796 [Pandore] Relancer l'intérêt des défenses

Escrito por Skylander en 21 August 2016 - 12:04 PM en Améliorations et Suggestions

Goodmorning everyone
10% seems to be an already very low value
decline further is definitely to the advantage of players with a miner's profile
but who has a warrior profile, will have a disadvantage, even if, the percentage of CDR is given mainly by the destruction of the fleet.
For my part I am against

#264490 Xmas gift

Escrito por Skylander en 24 December 2015 - 02:29 PM en Univers Pandore

Hello, if you intend to gift, 80% on game credits,
I saw the message ...


but the gift goes to the administration because the players have to spend money ...

I would love a gift  totally free, what you did is just a discount .......


and this unfortunately confirms that here it goes on to money ...
and glory is in the highest heaven !!!

Merry Christmas

#264488 Xmas gift

Escrito por Skylander en 23 December 2015 - 06:12 PM en Univers Pandore

Hello, our staff are going to do a Christmas present for everyone?

Thanks for your opinion